Expatwives gone wild

EXPATLIVING ON FLEEK.. Så er den gal igen i Singa. Som i sådan rigtig gal. Der er mange udfordringer i livet, og den her sag er en af dem ; )

What to do what to do?

Wise ladies, I have a little rant and would like to seek your advice.

Chris and I have cohabited for 2 years. 2 weeks ago I caught a bout of stomach flu, and when I was ill, He asked if it was ok that he stopped by the wine shop to order some bottles after work to which of course I said ok. It took him well over 2 hrs at the bottle shop, I expressed my disappointment as I felt a little neglected during my illness. He didn’t get it and thought I was kicking up a fuss.

Next week he caught the bug, and I took care of him like any partner would.

This week I am worst off with the virus again. 

Today the 192 bottles of wine his friend “invested” in arrived. We’re helping him store his “investment” as he has relocated to Germany and we suspected it was a ponzi scheme. 

And given we don’t trust the helper to not damage the new fridge or tens of thousands $ of wine, of course I had to open and arrange the wine, no easy task when on medical leave with fever and full body aches from the bug.

Chris is then going to 18 hole golf after work tonight with a mate of his. I am not a golf widow.. He hasn’t golfed in about 5 yrs and is using up some vouchers expiring 28th April. I even had to place the booking for him! 

Do I have the right to be pissed off? What would you tell your husbands if that happens? Am I being spoilt and unreasonable? 

TIA, appreciate your response xx


Ja den er helt gal, det kan I godt se. Men hvad skal hun gøre? Kan hun tillade sig, at være sur – eller skal hun bare sluge kamelen?

Læs andre “Expatwives gone wild – and crazy” lige HER, HER og HER.


Expatwives gone wild

Det er ved at være noget tid siden, vi har haft en “Expatwives gone wild (and Crazy)” Den sidste kan I finde HER og Vol. 2 HER.

Men i denne uge, der er der en god en, og det er tunge tanker vi skal bruge, for at løse den. Så frem med tænketanken ; )

Postet by Anon: 

My husband is away on business at the moment and last night I got up to get my child a drink around 2am. The kitchen is next to the helpers room and when I went to get a drink I was startled to hear loud sex noises coming from my helpers room. We often get up in the night to get a drink and I’ve never heard this before. It wasn’t just muffled groans it was full on loud, almost porn like noises! So as you can imagine I’m a little shocked, embarrassed (in case she realised I heard her) and paranoid about what was going on. Ok I get it she is entitled to make her own entertainment(!) but a) I already struggle with having someone live-in and this was super uncomfortable (especially as I was so startled I dropped the lid off a bottle and it made a noise on the floor which she likely heard) b) I’m now paranoid she had someone in there (we have a security camera which didn’t detect any motion coming into the apartment so not sure that’s possible) or the thought even crossed my mind she could be doing webcam porn or something! I think it’s the fact it’s also 2am (and we all go to bed by 10pm) and she is caregiver to my child so I’m also worried about her being tired during the day when he is in her care if she is staying up so late. This is a really awkward topic and it’s embarrassing to talk to anyone about it let alone her! I’m now awake worrying away and feeling uncomfortable in my own home. What should I do?


Som I kan se, der har vi virkelig et “world problem” her. HVAD SKAL HUN GØRE?? Skal hun 1. lade som ingen ting ♦ 2. konfronterer hende vedr. hendes højtlydende stønnen? ♦ 3. fyre hende og slippe for, at hun laver pornofilm i hendes værelse..?

What is a girl to do?


Update fra min tidligere post HER.

Okay, så jeg har gravet lidt i historien, og jeg har fundet frem til, at denne “anonyme” person, har besluttet sig for dette:

Update from anonymous –

Hi Ladies,

After reading all the words of support I thought I would share with you my own thoughts on what I hope/plan to do.

I have decided to wait and see how things proceed, I have copies of all emails safely away and I have access to a joint savings account with a pretty good amount in it. I will possibly send a PI to China if I need to and then maybe follow up directly myself if there is a further meeting between my husband and this lady in Singapore.

To the lady who so thoughtfully (not!) asked me to consider what I may have done to possibly cause this, the answer is simple…nothing! We always had a great relationship as friends and were always affectionate and I always take an interest in his work and pay him attention.

(Der var en kvinde der kommenterede, at det måske var hendes egen skyld, at hendes mand ville have en affære.. Og om de overhovedet havde sex mere – om hun gjorde nok ud af sig selv, så han ikke mistede lysten til hende 🙈 Ohhh don’t go ther)

If anyone can help me with how to find a good reliable PI in Shanghai I would be so grateful.

Så hun har måske droppet at flyve til Kina – men hendes planer er, at få en privatdetektiv til at følge efter manden, når han rejser afsted – så hun kan se med “egne” øjne, om hendes mand, har snablen ude af bukserne..!!

Der var rigtig mange, der havde informationer på privatdetektiver, så hun havde i hvert fald, nok at vælge i mellem. wtf. Hvem har liiiige, sådan én på speed dial?.

What to do? Hvad ville I gøre hvis det var Jer?

Jeg havde ærligt, slet ikke kunne holde det i mig – jeg tror, jeg havde gået amok med det samme, langt før, det kunne blive til mere.

Hvad tænker I?

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